2018/2/5 20:51:23 点击:
TPO、TPU Sheet Extrusion Line
Using TPO as material to produce the surface leather of automible dashboard by extrusion line, the leather has good charateristics of anti-aging and dimentional stability, anti-corrosion, ozone resistance, heatproof, cold resistance, grease resistance and no VOC discharge, it has been widely used as the excellent environmental prection automible internal decorative material.
TPO sheet thickness 0.5-3mm, width 1000-2000mm.
Another thermoplastic elastomer TPU leather can be also used as the surface of automible dashboard.
HDPE Plate Extrusion Line
上海金纬提供的先进螺杆挤出系统,适用于熔指更低、强度更高的高分子量聚乙烯HMW-HDPE, 板材主要用于汽车车厢、皮卡货箱内衬、汽车货箱顶盖及防雨棚等。在保证板材同等强度的情况下可减少30%以上的产品厚度,为客户大幅降低材料成本。
Shanghai Jwell supply advanced extrusion system, it is suitable to produce HMW-HDPE material which have low MFI and high-strength into plate, the plates are mainly used to produce auto carriage board, pick-up's box liner, cover of truck, anti-rain cover etc. The plate thickness can reduce more than 30% when it has same impact strength, it reduce the production cost for manufacturers.
Plate thickness 2-12mm, width 2000-3000mm.
TPU、ABS Composit Plate Extrusion Line
TPU/ABS composit plate is one new kind of envioment friendly material used for car gauge panel and inner decoration. It adopts muti manifold procee to make TPU coat on ABS instead of glue coating so that the finished product does not release formaldehyde or create inner air pollution. Plate thickness from 1mm to 8mm, width from 1200mm to 2000mm.
Car Sound Insultation Pad (Vibration Damping Pad) Extrusion Line
汽车隔音垫(阻尼止震垫)是采用EVA、TPO、PVC等原料, 加高填充无机物制成的高密度片材。使用时贴在钣金上,可以从源头制止噪音的产生,并隔绝金属对声音的传导。主要应用于汽车的车身机盖、车门、后备舱、车顶、翼子板等位置。还能起到加强、隔热效果。
Car Sound Insulation Pad (Vibration Damping Pad) is made of EVA, TPO, PVC and high filling inorganic. It is placed directly on the metal part, which eliminates the noise from the source and avoid the noise transmission in the metal. It is mainly used in car cover, door, luggage room, top part, fender part, which also help to improve the strength and heat insuitation.
regular thickness is from 0.6 to 8mm and width from 1000 to 3000mm.
PVC、TPO、POE Floor Leather Extrusion Line
Shanghai Jwell supply different types plastic floor extrusion lines for producing PVC floor, TPO floor,POE floor, etc.
The product thickness is 1-3mm,width is 2000-3000mm.
It has the performance of anti-friction, corrcsion resistence, skid resistence, impermeable and inflaming retarding. It is widely used on auto (automobile and high spead train), hotel, amusement place, exhibition hall, house, etc.
PP & Wood Powder、Bamboo Powder And Fiber Composite Sheet Extrusion Line
PP+木粉、PP+麻纤维复合片材生产线, 采用锥形双螺杆挤出机挤出,配以特殊工艺手段,是金纬推出的又一个国内领先的生产线机组。此复合片材具有深成型、深拉伸,与各种面料一次热压成型复合的制品,边角余料可回收利用等特点,被广泛应用于高档汽车内饰件、顶棚、后搁物板、行李箱基材及宾馆、餐厅、娱乐场所的装潢。
This production line adopts conical twin-screw extruder, with specially processing method, which is another most advanced technology in China. This product features of well-shaped, easily processed, recycling and reuse of the off outting once-complexion with other material of sheet by hot pressing. It can be widely applied in the decoration of auto-mobile ornaments, ceiling, booth, suitcase, hotel, restaurant, entertainment area and etc.
PP Honeycomb Board Extrusion LIne
PP honeycomb board, through extrusion method made three layers sandwich board of one time forming, two sides is thin surface, middle is honeycomb structure;According to honeycomb structure can divide into single layer、double layer board.
PP honeycomb board also can one time forming, coat fabric at two sides、leather, with light weight and high strength、non-toxic, environment, shake absorption and cold-resistant、soudproof & heat pressrvation、mois-tureproof & heat insulation etc. advantage.
PP honeycomb board main specification:2-12mm thickness, 800-1300mm width.
1、 应用于乘用车的行李箱盖板、行李箱隔板、行李箱地毯基板、侧围装饰板、顶棚等内饰部位;
- Used for car trunk cover board、trunk clapboard、trunk carpet substrate、side wall decortation board、 ceiling etc. interior place.
2. Used for manufacturing different kinds of high strength packing box.
PVB Film Extrusion Line
PVB (聚乙烯醇缩丁醛)薄膜是一种热塑性树脂膜,是由PVB树脂加增塑剂生产而成。广泛应用于建筑夹层玻璃,汽车夹层玻璃,太阳能光伏玻璃,防弹玻璃,隔音玻璃等。具有很好的安全性,防止玻璃由于外力作用下破碎而碎片溅起伤人;具有隔音性,防紫外线,可以做成彩色或高透明的,应用于建筑幕墙玻璃已有70年历史;具有光学应用价值,可应用太阳能光伏。PVB薄膜目前有辊筒成型、过水成型两种方式生产,可生产厚度0.38-1.52mm,宽度500-3400mm的透明、彩条、全彩薄膜。
PVB film is a thermo-plastic film made of PVB resin and plasticizer. It is widely used for interlayer of construction glass, automobile, solar photovoltaic glass, bullet-proof glass, sound proof glass, etc. Features high safety, sound proof, ultraviolet-proof, and can be colorful or super transparent, and used for construction wall glass for more than 70 years. Also itis of Optical application value, and solar photovoltaic as well.There are two types of production method: by roller forming and water cooling forming, the thickness of final product will be 0.38-1.52mm, width will be 500-3400mm, transparent, color strip and full color film are optional.
- 上一篇:冬季设备保养须知,来自金纬机械温馨提醒! 2018/2/5
- 下一篇:洛氏硬度、布氏硬度等硬度对照表和换算方法 2015/5/2